• Español
Key data protection information
Data controller Fundación General Universidad de León y Empresa (FGULEM)
Purpose of data processing Website navigation and improvement of user experience.
Legal entitlement to process user’s personal data Consent of interested parties, legitimate interest of the responsible body.
Recipients (third parties) User’s personal data may be passed to third parties upon request of their express prior consent to do so, except where there are statutory or contractual obligations.
Rights You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, restriction of processing, portability, objection and the right not to be subject to decisions based solely on automated processes, including profiling.
Additional Information You can consult additional and detailed information on data protection in this Privacy Policy, in our Aviso legal and in the website´s Cookie Policy
By virtue of the present Legal Notice, be informed that the holder of the website with web domain: latebaida.unileon.es is:o latebaida.unileon.es es:
  • Identifier of website holder: Fundación General Universidad de León y Empresa (FGULEM)
  • C.I.F. / D.N.I.:G24356644
  • Address: Jardín San Francisco (without number)
  • Postcode and town: 24004 León
  • Email addressinfo@fgulem.es
  • Telephone: +34 987291651
For more information about our data protection policies, contact us via email at:  info@fgulem.es or click on the following links: If you have any other questions on this topic, please visit the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD): https://www.aepd.es/es